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Türkiye Dynamics 365 User Group Meetup 3


Türkiye Dynamics 365 User Group etkinliklerine devam ediyoruz. Seri haline getirmeyi planladığımız Profesyonellerle Söyleşiler başlıklı 2. etkinliği bu cumartesi yapacağız. Etkinliğimizde şu anda yurt dışında 3 faklı ülkede çalışan uzman arkadaşlarımız tecrübelerini bizimle paylaşacaklar. Yurt dışı ekosistemi, iş yapış şekilleri, imkanlar ve merak edilen bir çok konunun konuşulacağı etkinliğimizi kaçırmamanızı tavsiye ederiz.

Ayrıca soru cevap kısmı da olacak.



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What is Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Segregation of Duties?

Segregation of Duties görev ayrılığı olarak çevriliyor. Let me explain it with an example. Let’s say you want two critical Duties not to be assigned to the same person. For example, two duties such as invoice processing and payment should not be assigned to the same person. You are in a company where thousands of people work and it is not possible to track at a certain stage. Here SoD comes into play. A definition you make through Duty gives you a warning for such situations and allows you to control them.

Let’s see an example using the security objects we used in previous articles. Open the Security Configuration form.


From the Segregation of duties tab, click on the Segregation of duties rules button. This form is also available directly on the menu. You can see it in Image-9.


There are no records yet in the form that opens. Let’s create one by clicking New.


Specify a name and select two Duties. I have chosen two sample Duties. The only thing I pay attention to is, I know which roles these two Duties are used in. I will need it to show the example. Of course, you will make this definition according to your business needs.


After saving, it comes to my test user. FD Customer listing task is attached due to its current role. I add a new role and select one that includes Customer Invoicing. When I click add, there is a warning saying that a conflict occurred. If I click Yes, it will create a solution record for me.


The record created includes information about this operation. I can accept assignment with the Allow Assignment option.


Accepting means overriding the rule, so it asks for an explanation. After providing one, we have added the role. We could have blocked it if we wanted to.


When you create a new SoD, you can check if there are anything that does not follow this rule. There is something that doesn’t follow my rule, but since we created an override record it didn’t appear here.


You can follow the created records from the menu in Image-9.


In this article, I have tried to explain briefly what Segregation of Duties is. Although it is a very nice feature, it still has many deficiencies. For example, it only works with Duty, but there is no solution for direct Privileges assigned to a Role. It asks when adding it to the role, but it does not have a mechanism that controls the changing duty contents afterwards. It is possible to use it. Especially if you do not define authorization other than Duty and create your Duties with the right logic, you can use it very easily. Investments are still being made in this feature, I think it will become much more developed in a short time.


TAGs: Microsoft Life Cycle Services, LCS, Azure, Azure DevOps, Segregation of Duties, Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365, Dynamics 365 Insights Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents, what is Dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 ERP, Dynamics 365 CRM

Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Data Management 2. How to Transfer Data Again Using Old Projects?

Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Data Management 1. How to Import Data? Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Data Management 1. How to Import Data? Now I will try to explain how we can transfer data over and over again using the project we created in that article.

We had created a transfer project for VendGroup. Currently, the data is as in Image-1.


This is the CSV file I just created. I will use this for import.


Open Data managament. In the All projects section, we click on our project and open it.


Click Re-import from the Import Options tab.


Click Upload file on the page that opens.


Select the import file and click Upload. Then click OK.


You have uploaded your file. Now you can click Import.


The information screen will appear. Close it and wait for a while.


If there is no problem, you will see a screen like the one below. If there is an error, you can see its details on this screen as well.


I renew my form to see if it really worked and see the data is there.


In this article, I tried to show how you can transfer data over and over again through a project that we have created and established before. These very useful features are generally used by consultants, but it is necessary to provide good training to the users and ensure that they benefit from these features.


TAGs: Microsoft Life Cycle Services, LCS, Azure, Azure DevOps, Import, DMF, Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365, Dynamics 365 Insights Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apss, Power Virtual Agents, what is Dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 ERP, Dynamics 365 CRM

How to Move Developments to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Test and Live Environments? 3- Build

How to Move Developments to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Test and Live Environments? 3- Build

In this article, I will talk about how to perform the Build operation required to move the developments we made from Visual Studio for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations to Test and Live environments. Build needs to be performed on a certain Branch. When Build is complete, if there is no error, it will generate a Deployable Package for us. We need this package for code migration.

You have to perform Build through Azure DevOps, not from Visual Studio. After logging in as a user with admin rights, open the Pipelines tab. Unified Operations platform – Build Main will be created automatically when you set Azure DevOps settings via LCS. We will take this as basis. Since our environment is only Main Branch, I continue without making any changes in the basic settings.  First let’s see how we can run it, then we will examine the other settings.


Click the Edit button from the ellipsis menu.


Build steps are listed.


If you want to build a different Branch, you need to change the Server path. We are making a change here.


You can right click and Disable steps that are not required at this time. I disabled the Deploy Reports step because I do not have a report development.


The main step is Build the solution. Our Branch path is here again. If you want to build a different Branch, you should change this as well.


Click Queue. Whn you click Run in the popup window, Build operation starts.


You can follow the Build steps.


If it completes with no errors, it will look like the following. If it gives errors, it is necessary to examine the logs and errors. Generally there are not very complex problems. There are cases such as missing reference, incorrect Check-in, but there may be situations that need to be further examined. You can open it by clicking on the record.


When you enter, all your previous Builds will be listed. You can view their status and information. The first record is our last Build, completed without error. Click to open it.


You can see details about the Build here. Click and open the relevant part (3 published).


Under Packages, Deployable Package starting with AxDeployableRuntime is created. We need to download it from here and upload it to the LCS. I will explain this in my next article.  At this stage, the Build operation is done. Now let’s look at how you can create a new Pipeline.


Main Pipelines are created by default. If you want to create them in other Branches, you either make all the definitions manually, which is very demanding, or you can use the Clone or Export features. For both cases, do not forget to change the path settings for the new Pipeline.


You can Import the Exported file from the following path again. Generally code is transferred to live environment from Main or Release Branch, and to test environment from Dev Branch. Of course, these are approaches that vary depending on the project and the team.


In this article, I tried to explain how Build is triggered through Azure DevOps. A machine is required for Build right now, but we will soon be able to do this thanks to an agent. It will be a faster and inexpensive solution. By completing this stage, we have reached the final stage in code migration. In my next article, I will explain how we deploy code over LCS.


Microsoft Life Cycle Services, LCS, Azure, Azure DevOps, Build, Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365, Dynamics 365 Insights Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents, what is Dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 ERP, Dynamics 365 CRM

X++ :16- ModifiedField Metodu Ne İşe Yarar?

Bu yazıda Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations tablo metotlarından ModifiedField () metodunu anlatacağım. ModifiedField () bir alanın verisi değiştirildiğinde eğer bir işlem yapmak gerekiyorsa bu metotta yapabilirsiniz. Doğrulama metodu olan validateField() bu metottan önce çalışacaktır. Metodun tetiklenmesi için alandan odağın çıkması gerekir. Bir örnek yapalım.

FDBookTable tablosunda metotlara sağ tıklayıp ModifiedField () metodunu Override ettim. Kapak tipi değiştirildiğinde kitabın adını boşaltan bir kod yazdım. Şöyle bir mantık eğer kapak tipi değişirse kitap adında bir değişiklik yapılması şarttır diye düşünüp örneklendirdim. Metot parametre olarak alan kodu alıyor ona uygun bir Switch Case yazmak lazım.


Derleyip tablo tarayıcısıyla açalım. Kapak tipini değiştirdiğimde Kitap adının boşaldığını göreceksiniz.


Bu yazıda ModifiedField() metodunun mantığını anlatmaya çalıştım. Bu metotları mantığına uygun kullanırsanız çok rahat edersiniz. Ama mantığını uygun olmayan kodları buraya yazdığınızda uygulama içinden çıkılmaz bir hal alıyor.


TAGs: X++, ModifiedField, Azure, Azure DevOps, Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365

How to Add a User to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations?

In this article, I will try to explain how to define new users for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. If you want to add users to the test and live systems, you usually use import from Azure Active Directory. If you want to create a test user for your development machine, you can create a new user. Let’s take a look at both now.

First, open the System Administration->Users form. You must login as a user with the Admin right. If this is a development environment, the account you used for installation already has this right. I explained it in my previous articles.


Click Import users, and the page that opens lists the users we can import. You can import the users you want.


An information message appears. Then you need to grant the users the necessary roles. In the old version, there was a role assignment tab during Import. The new version does not have it. I think it was a nice feature. It gets messy especially when I transfer multiple users.


Now let’s add a user that is not in Azure Active Directory. For example, I need to do some tests on my own development machine, or consultants need to do the initial tests in VM. Of course, security should be involved in these tests because when I open the application via VS, it opens as Admin and does not have any security restrictions. I need a user to assign the required roles. So I need to create a new user.

I click New and start creating. I enter the user information. I used a Hotmail account. You need to change the Provider according to the account you use.

  1. If it’s an account that’s in its own AAD Domain:
  2. If it’s an account that’s in a different AAD Domain:, (
  3. If it’s a Microsoft account:


User is created after saving. In Image-4 the Provider is missing. It should be as in Image-5. Add new role by clicking Assign Role. Here you can assign any role you want. You can also have your own roles created for testing. Since I want to use it like Admin, I assigned the role of Admin.


I try to open an InPrivate browser, paste the address of the environment, and login with my user.


I entered the environment without any problems. Since I logged in from a different environment, a few security steps were required, but it didn’t cause any problems.


In this article, I tried to explain how to add users to different environments of Dynamics 365. Security and user management is very important. Many details are available and I plan to mention them in the following articles.


TAGs: Microsoft Life Cycle Services, LCS, Azure, Azure DevOps, Import User, Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365, Dynamics 365 Insights Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apps, Power Virtual Agents, what is Dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 ERP, Dynamics 365 CRM

How to Publish Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations SSRS Reports?

In this article, I will explain how you can publish SSRS reports (Deploy) for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations application. It is one of the basic reporting tools of SSRS. You can use it in the reports you want to produce output. After the initial installation or after creating a new report, you need to publish it to see it in the app.

First, open Power Shell as Admin.

Run the following code for your Azure environments. Folder paths may change with updates.

K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Plugins\AxReportVmRoleStartupTask\DeployAllReportsToSSRS.ps1 -PackageInstallLocation “K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory”

Run the following code for local environments.


There may be some warnings, but you can ignore them while waiting for the result.


All reports published without any errors.


If you want to publish a certain report with Power Shell, you can use the code below.

K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Plugins\AxReportVmRoleStartupTask\DeployAllReportsToSSRS.ps1-PackageInstallLocation “K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory” -Module ApplicationSuite –ReportName .Report

Finally, you can publish a newly created report via Visual Studio as shown in Image-3.


In this article I explained how to publish SSRS reports. There are many topics related to reporting. In my following articles, I will talk mostly about reporting features.


TAGs: Microsoft Life Cycle Services, LCS, Azure, Azure DevOps, SSRS, Deploy, Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365, Dynamics 365 Insights Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apss, Power Virtual Agents, what is Dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 ERP, Dynamics 365 CRM

X++ :21- ChangeCompany Nedir?

Bu yazıda X++ sorgu anahtar kelimelerinden changeCompany inceleyeceğim. Öncelikle uygulamanın şirket yönetimini anlamak gerekiyor.

Uygulamadan istediğiniz kadar şirket tanımlayabiliyorsunuz. Kullanıcılar uygulamaya girdiğinde bir şirkette işlem yapıyorlar. İstedikleri zaman şirket değiştirebiliyorlar. Tablolarda DataAreaId sayesinde verilerin hangi şirkete ait olduğu tutuluyor. Eğer bir tablonun verisi şirket bağımsız olsun diyorsanız ayarlayabiliyorsunuz. Ancak bu tip tabloların dışında yaptığınız bütün işlemler bulunduğunuz şirkette gerçekleşiyor. Bir sorgu yazıp verileri görmek istediğinizde siz Range olarak şirket vermezseniz bile sistem SQL’e giden koda otomatik bulunduğunuz şirketi ekliyor. Eğer faklı kodunuz farklı şirkette çalışsın istiyorsanız bunun için changeCompany kullanabilirsiniz. Bir örnek yapalım.

static void Dmr_FD_ChangeCompany(Args _args)


DmrAuthorTable  authorTable;

DmrBookTable    bookTable;


changeCompany(“USF”) // Şu anda USMF şirketindeyim ve çalıştırdığım kodlar burada çalışacak. Ancak changeCompany ile şirket değiştirip bu kod bloğunda USF’te çalışsın diyorum.


while select authorTable

notexists join  bookTable

where authorTable.AuthorId ==  bookTable.AuthorId


info(strFmt(“%1 %2 %3 %4″, bookTable.BookId , authorTable.AuthorId,

authorTable.FirstName ,  bookTable.Title));




changeCompany çok kullanılan hayat kurtaran bir özellik ancak genelde yanlış kullanıldığını görüyorum. Örnek 3 faklı şirkette 1000 satır veri aktarımına benzer bir kodunuz var diyelim. Arkadaş bu veriyi gruplamadan her bir satıra changeCompany yazıyor ve bunun hızlı çalışmasını bekliyor. Olmaz changeCompany zaman alan bir koddur ve mümkün olduğunca az kullanılmalıdır. changeCompany bloğunda yazılan her kod sanki değiştirdiğiniz şirkette çalışır sadece select değil Insert Update Delete işlemlerinde yapabilirsiniz.


TAGs: X++, changeCompany, Azure, Azure DevOps, Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365

X++ :15- ValidateField Metodu Ne İşe Yarar?

Bu yazıda Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations tablo metotlarından validateField() metodunu anlatacağım. validateField() bir alanın verisi değiştirildiğinde doğrulamaların yapıldığı metottur. Metodun tetiklenmesi için alandan odağın çıkması gerekir. Bir örnek yapalım.

FDBookTable tablosunda metotlara sağ tıklayıp validateField () metodunu Override ettim.


Metoda parametre olarak alan kodu geliyor ona bağlı bir Switch Case yazdım. BookCount Sıfır olarak güncellenmeye çalışıldığında hata verdin diye bir kod yazdım. Hata mesajı için CheckFailed() kullandım.


Tablo tarayıcısıyla açtım ve BookCount sıfır olarak güncellemeye çalıştım ve hata mesajını ekranda gördüm. Bu hatayı düzeltmeden kaydetme veya başka işlem yapamazsınız.


boolean validateField(FieldId p1)


boolean                     ret;


int                         lengthAgencyLocationCode;

ret = super(p1);

if (ret)


switch (p1)


case fieldNum(CustTable, CreditMax) :

if (this.CreditMax < 0)


ret = checkFailed(“@SYS69970″);



case fieldNum(CustTable, InventLocation) :

ret = this.InventStorageDimMap::validateField(fieldNum(InventStorageDimMap, InventLocationId));


case fieldNum(CustTable, Rfc_MX) :

if (SysCountryRegionCode::isLegalEntityInCountryRegion([#isoMX]))


ret = taxRegistrationValidator.validateRFC(this.Rfc_MX, this.CompanyType_MX);



case fieldNum(CustTable, MainContactWorker) :

if (this.MainContactWorker)


ret = smmUtility::isValidWorkerInCurrentCompany(this.MainContactWorker);



case fieldNum(CustTable, Blocked) :

ret = this.validateBlocked(this.Blocked);


case fieldNum(CustTable, EinvoiceEANNum):

if (SysCountryRegionCode::isLegalEntityInCountryRegion([#isoDK]))


ret = CustTable::checkEInvoiceEAN(this.EinvoiceEANNum);





return ret;


CustTable  validateField () metodunu inceleyelim. Burada uzun validasyonların metotlara taşındığını ve genelde tek satırlı kontroller olduğunu görüyoruz. checkFailed direk veya metotların içinde kullanılıyor. validateField () metodu sadece girişi bitip başka bir nesneye odaklanmak istediğinizde çalışır. Genelde o nesneden ayrılmadan çalışması isteniz ancak bu mümkün değil.


TAGs: X++, validateField, Azure, Azure DevOps, Microsoft Dynamics 365, MsDyn365FO, MsDyn365CE, MsDyn365

Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Change-Based Alert Nedir?

Bu yazıda Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations uygulamasının çok güzel bir özelliği olan Change-Based Alert’den bahsedeceğim. Nedir derseniz sistem içindeki herhangi bir tabloda yapılan herhangi bir işlemden sonra bildirim göndermedir. Bu bildirim ekranda da çıkabilir mail olarak ta alabilirsiniz. Bu özellik kullanıcının kendi ayarlarını yapabileceği bir yapıdadır. Kullanıcı bazlı oluşturulabilir. Şimdi bir örnekle uyarı kurulumu yapalım. Öncesinde Change-Based Alert toplu işini kurmamız gerekiyor.


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